Saturday 25 March 2017

The unsung heros of the show - Vliho Yacht club 2017

As always, there are a great deal of people behind the scenes that make the show happen they are to take their curtain call. 

Bob Burton the Musical Director, works tirelessly with the cast to get the score right.

Alice Hatch with her two able assistants, Roma and Jacqueline, make the magnificent costumes that bring the show to life.

Roma Middleton, who takes the role of Stage Manager to make sure it all runs smoothly on the night.

Vicky & Rauri, and the rest of the Yacht Club team, who let their club be taken over for months on end for rehearsals and shows.

Ellie and Hannah who do the amazing make-up for the show.

and last but not least Philomena Matheson, the Director of the show (the pictures are blurred because she doesn't stand still long enough to get a still one)

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